
Showing posts from May, 2015

A Quick Guide to Using Clutch 2.0 to Decrypt iOS Apps

A few days ago someone told me that they weren’t able to install Crackulous on their jailbroken iOS device and asked if I could recommend an alternative they could use to decrypt iOS apps. Since Crackulous was a GUI frontend for Clutch I recommended that they check out Clutch but when I went to find a good tutorial I could only find ones showing older versions of Clutch instead of the newer Clutch 2.0 RC2. It’s not quite as friendly as the older versions of Clutch but it works like a champ on my jailbroken iPhone 5S running 8.1.2. The easiest way to get Clutch 2.0 RC2 on your jailbroken device is to add the iPhoneCake repository to cydia using the URL . Once that repository is added you should be able to install Clutch 2.0 as show in the image below. Another option is downloading the sourcecode from the Clutch github repository at and compile it using Xcode with iOSOpenDev installed. Once Clutch2 was on my iOS device I use...