
Showing posts from June, 2013

Quick Update and Minor Tool Announcement

June was a fairly busy month as I knocked out my GISP and CEH. The GISP required no extra study on my part as I had just finished my CISSP exam and it’s basically an open book CISSP. The GISP questions were more technical than the CISSP versions which honestly made the test easier. Well, that and the open books 🙂 The CEH is fairly straightforward with a lot of tool specific questions, port related questions and scenarios which test your basic network security knowledge. The CEH was a nice one to get out of the way and the GWAPT should be the next one on my list. I just finished going through the SANS SEC 542 course in the On-Demand format and will now start spending some time with the course exercises and creating my index. If anyone has any specific questions on my GISP or CEH prep please feel free to ask. On another note I recently encountered a Rand McNally GPS unit which no commercial forensic tool I had access to was able to parse. I wrote a small python script which parsed the d