Should I take SANS 408 or 508? (part 1)
I recently got asked a question in a comment that I was planning to answer in about 45 days but I don’t want to wait that long so I’ll give half of an answer now. The question was a common one: “Should I take SANS 408 or 508?” First let me provide one HUGE caveat and explanation of why I was already planning on answering this in 45 days. I have taken the 508 (I’m even a proud holder of a GCFA) but I took the course back in 2008.I was completely unprepared but it was still a fantastic learning experience and it taught me concepts that I use to this day. The 508 exam of today has very little in common with the 508 from 2008. The course has been completely re-designed from the ground up and I have yet to take the new version. I’m taking my GSEC exam at the end of this month but after that I’ll have a narrow window to watch the 508 OnDemand content for a much needed refresher. The new 508 books are actually sitting in a spare room in my house and in an unbelievable act of discipline I...